1D/Radio 1 RPF ficlet: "Goats!" by ymorton (Nick/Harry)

Jan 29, 2014 01:21

Title: Goats!
ihavea1Dbloghelp /
Fic info: One Direction/Radio 1 RPF, Nick/Harry, rated Teen.
Warnings: None! There are no actual goats in this ficlet (more's the pity).
Length: 0:08:59

"It will be nice," Harry whispers, like a secret. "It’s gonna be really nice."

"I want goats," Nick says, rolling his head a little in Harry’s lap, yawning. His eyes are still closed. "I want three goats and a chicken."

"Then we’ll have goats and a chicken," Harry says, amused, low. "Who’s the princess here, again?"

cover by

Downloads: (right click, save as)

Audiobook (8Mb) | MP3 (12Mb)

Streaming @ AO3

Notes: Thank to the writer for permission and to
paraka for hosting! This was kind of an instant "I need to record this" decision, because the ficlet was SO GREAT (ugh, just the right amount of domesticity and angst and promise for this pairing) and I had this image in my mind of the cover I wanted to make. I had fun playing with the "texture" of the voices, too; there's a lot of sleepy mumbling and rasping and yawning and stuff, it was very statisfying to record even if I did have to do it in two-second chunks in between construction noises outside...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Please let me know if you do! :D

reader:greedy_dancer, small fandom:rpf, archived

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