YouTube RPF crack: Super Toothsday by jedusaur

Oct 19, 2013 16:56

Title: Super Toothsday
Fic info: YouTube RPF. Jack Howard/Dean Dobbs. Not rated by the writer (rated Teen by podficcer). Crack.
Length: 0:05:27
Writer's summary: A man has needs, all right, and Jack just isn’t built to take on the oral hygiene of life alone.

This is based on the YouTube sketch Toothsbrush Buddies which you probably need to see before you listen to this.

cover by

Download (right-click, save as): MP3 (5Mb)

Streaming option at my journal

Notes: I feel a little sorry for
jedusaur. She keeps writing stuff she'd rather not have anyone read, and then I podfic it! And I can't even say I'm sorry. She's just that good a writer. <33 Thanks to
paraka for providing hosting for the file, and the streaming player! <3

I'd love to hear from you about this - feedback and concrit welcome via comment or DM! Please don't hesitate to let me know if anything is ever wrong with the streaming or the file itself. Hope you enjoy! :)

small fandom:miscellaneous, reader:greedy_dancer, small fandom:rpf, archived

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