Avengers Podfic: Catch Your Voice

Oct 06, 2013 09:06

Title: Catch Your Voice
Author: lavvyan
Reader: regonym
Fandom: Avengers
Pairing: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
Rating: Teen +
Author's Warnings: for comic book violence, mind control, and the grief that comes with perceived character death.
Length: 1:34:40
Archive Links: MP3 format (65 MB) || Audiobook (m4b) format (107 MB)
Hosted Links (right-click & save-as): MP3 format (65 MB) || Audiobook (m4b) format (107 MB)

(Cover created by regonym; credit for the lovely art goes to eiirene)

Summary: Clint keeps telling himself he's not obsessed with Coulson. From the way Natasha keeps laughing at him, she's not buying it either. But it's only a crush if you know what the other guy actually looks like, right?

Reader's Notes: Whew, this one's been a long time coming! My thanks to lavvyan for all her encouragement and for answering my many questions; to anna_unfolding, for her excellent advice and reassurance that this was fit for human consumption; and to eiirene, who graciously allowed me to base the podfic cover off of her art.

The song used in the intro and outro is called "Black and Gold" by Sam Sparro, and is from the fanmix that goes along with this fic. The snippets of music in section 8 are from Alanis Morissette's "Ironic".

I recorded an extra scene at the very end for fun, from an additional headcanon post of lavvyan's on tumblr. The text for it may be found here.

Feedback is always hugely appreciated!

fandom:avengers & related marvel movies, reader:regonym, archived

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