Revelations: Chapters 11 & 12; Avengers, Astolat, eventual (soon!) Thor/Loki

Sep 10, 2013 09:05

Title: Revelations, chs. 11 & 12
Fandom: Avengers
Fanfic Author:
Rating: Adult, eventually; gen this chapter
Pairing: Thor/Loki, eventually; none this chapter
Read by: Ann Ciudad
Format: mp3, m4b
Text: at AOOO
Warnings: sex and death and Thor and Loki
Mediafire Link:
11 Revelations - Chapter 11 - Bruce.mp3, 26.1 MB, 17:50
11 Revelations - Chapter 11_ Bruce.m4b, 8.23 MB, 17:50
Summary:"What?" Tony said, wobbling drunkenly as he got back up onto his feet. "Barton, you have any idea what we just went through to pull this off? What happened to the plan? It was a good plan! Hold off Asgard, bring Thor here to meet us? What was wrong with that?"

Clint didn't shift his ground. "I got fresh intel," he said flatly. "I made a new call."

Mediafire Link:
12 Revelations - Chapter 12 - Clint.mp3, 21.9 MB, 15:05
12 Revelations - Chapter 12_ Clint.m4b, 6.96 MB, 15:05
Summary:"No," Loki said. "No, I think the Lady Sif is done with words, is she not?" He stepped back from them all. There was a thin smile on his face, trembling at the corners. "Words have so little value. Words have so little weight, compared with deeds."


1) Astolat says in her notes to Chapter 11 that she had to rewrite the chapter to be in Bruce's POV - and that's absolutely right. See, the Hulk is the Big Bad. He's the scariest thing out there. He is demonstrably scarier than actual gods. And in the movies, that comes across great, because he's mean and loud and takes up 3/4 of the screen. But in text...he sounds like a three year old. And while the idea of a three year old mind with the power of the Hulk is terrifying...when you're reading it, or listening to it, it just doesn't come across viscerally. Especially since I can't give my voice the power of Hulk lungs.

So you have to see this scene from Bruce's point of view, since Bruce is the one who knows, all through his soul, what a horror the Hulk is. Bruce is the one who's been so traumatized by the Hulk that his reaction even when he thinks the Hulk is gone isn't "finally, I can live my life" but "finally, I can die." Only Bruce can show you how scary this is.

2) Oh, Loki. First you accuse Steve of nearly stranding everyone by asking too many questions; then Laufey shows up all yo, son, can I clear any little thing up for you? and you fail the marshmallow test harder than anyone has ever failed it before. Now, despite the conversation with Bruce at the end of Chapter 5, and despite every monologue you have ever monologued in this story, and despite the whole ice giant, y'know, thing...sure, baby. You tell Sif she's the one with gender issues and the frustration from dangling after Thor's attention. Ice-cold insights there, kid. Cold burn.

3) Hey, is anyone still listening to this epic foolishness? Would you mind letting me know? I don't need ~feedback~ or you to tell me it's great or anything, but if you are, could you drop me a "still listening" or something? Thanks, I'd appreciate it.

The fic is complete and available at AOOO; the podfic is a WIP.

fandom:avengers & related marvel movies, archived, reader:ann_ciudad

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