a love song for schrödinger

Aug 21, 2013 16:49

Title: a love song for schrödinger
Author: pathopharmacology
Reader: Rhea314
Fandom: Welcome to Night Vale
Character: Carlos/Cecil
Rating: Teen & up audiences
Warnings: no archive warnings apply
Summary: With his own two eyes Carlos has observed a house that empirically doesn’t exist. He’s never seen a quantum particle, but his computer models and lab readouts reassure him of their presence. Cecil - lovely and wonderful and strange Cecil - is comforting and solid in every way…except in Carlos’ peripheral vision, when his edges waver as though the lack of direct observation has left him unsure of what shape he should be. It means absolutely nothing, to see a thing in Night Vale.
Text: here
Length 0:16:03
Link: mp3 zip here

fandom:welcome to night vale, reader:rhea314, archived

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