Four Young Wizards podfics

Aug 06, 2013 21:55

Title: Taking In
Author: aria
Reader: kalakirya
Fandom: Young Wizards
Pairings: none
Rating: general
Summary: I am the water, and the waves.
Warnings: none
Length: 14 minutes 33 seconds
text at AO3
download as an mp3 (13MB)

cover by me!

Title: Expository M-Mails
Author pax
Fandom: Young Wizards
Pairings: Nita/Kit, Nita/Ronan
Rating: general
Summary: How exactly did Kit ask Ronan to come help during Wizards at War? Spoilers for Wizards at War.
Warnings: none
Length: 6 minutes 27 seconds
text at AO3
download as an mp3 (6MB)

cover by me!

Title: Automotive Testing Procedures
Author: pax
Fandom: Young Wizards
Pairings: none
Rating: general
Summary: Even wizards need hobbies.
Warnings: none
Length: 9 minutes 11 seconds
text at AO3
download as an mp3 (9MB)

cover by me!

Title: Fifty Things Wizards Can't do in the Myriad Worlds
Author: pax
Fandom: Young Wizards
Pairings: none (but also everything possible. so really the main pairing is crack/crack)
Rating: general
Summary: Being a fine line of crack, which this fandom SORELY lacks, stolen wholesale from The Skippy List, itself an excellent bit of reading and splendiferous inspiration for any number of stories.
Warnings: crack
Length: 9 minutes 12 seconds
text at AO3
download as an mp3 (9MB)

cover by me!

fandom:young wizards, reader:kalakirya, archived

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