Welcome to the final day of Amplirecathon! Today, anybody may post any recs they want, without needing to have signed up.
This is the first of two Official Mod Posts for gathering recs that will be made -- a rec request post! In the comments of this post, if there are any categories of podfic rec that you'd like to ask for, make a request and others can reply to your comment with podfic recs that fit your request.
For example, if you're like us and loved
characterization recs and would like to request other podfics where people feel the reader particularly stood out at their characterization of one or more of the characters in the story, you can post a comment with that request. Or if you are trying out a specific new fandom and want more recs in that fandom, or want recs of readers who have a certain style, etc.
Got it? Okay! Request and rec away!