Title: Revelations, ch. 8
Fandom: Avengers
Fanfic Author:
Rating: Adult, eventually; gen this chapter
Pairing: Thor/Loki, eventually; none this chapter
Read by: Ann Ciudad
Format: mp3, m4b
at AOOOWarnings: sex and death and Thor and Loki
Mediafire Link:
08 Revelations - Chapter 5 - Steve.mp3, 26.4 MB, 16:5008 Revelations - Chapter 8_ Steve.m4b, 8.1 MB, 16:50Summary:"Steve," Bucky said over his shoulder, "not that it's not nice to see you, but this isn't the greatest idea you've ever had."
The fic is complete and
available at AOOO; the podfic is a WIP. I hope to post regularly.