3 different podfics

Jul 06, 2013 09:50

Title: "Good Man"
Author: brighteyed_jill
Reader: dunderklumpen
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Pairing: George Kirk/Jim Kirk
Rating: NC-17
Length: ca. 08:00 minutes
Music: Andy McKee: "Drifting"
Summary: Jim takes a minute to appreciate how fucking wrong this is. How black holes and time travel and universe-ending paradoxes always make things too damn complicated, because picking up his own father when he's an academy cadet and the same age as Jim should not even be an option. But it is. Had been. And Jim was never one to leave an inviting road unexplored.
Reader's Note: I recorded this podfic as a small gift for fandom_stocking back in december 2012. I lost it temporarily because my NB broke down and I was only now able to get it back from my old harddrive.
I know this pairing is questionable and usually incest in any form is a no-go for me. But this story was despite all that just good. The longing and weird approvel of Jim through his father is heart-wrenching.
Warnings: Incest
The cover was made by hyndara71 - thanks!
Beta: I know it's really strange but because the recording was rushed and there was all the christmas stress I totally forgot if someone beta listened. So I' go with "no beta" right now and hope there are no mistakes in it. But if it was you who betaed it, let me know and I give you credit immediately.

Download link: Link + Password


Title: "Three"
Author: Medie
Reader: dunderklumpen
Fandom: Once upon a time
Pairing: Charming/Snow/Red
Rating: NC-17
Length: > 08:00 minutes
Music: Damien Rice: "9 Crimes"
Summary: Charming knew how to breathe on his own once. He did. These days, though, his breath belongs to Snow and Red, with a thousand and one moments like this to remind him why. Those first, magical minutes of morning when they're still caught up in each other and all the world seems to begin again. When everything is possible to him just because they're near.
Reader's Note: I recorded this podfic as a small gift for Medie's fandom_stocking entry back in december 2012. I lost it temporarily because my NB broke down and I was only now able to get it back from my old harddrive.
The beautiful cover was made by asthenie_vd - thanks!
Beta: I know it's really strange but because the recording was rushed and there was all the christmas stress I totally forgot if someone beta listened. So I'd go with "no beta" right now and hope there are no mistakes in it. But if it was you who betaed it, let me know and I give you credit immediately.

Download link: Link + Password


Title: "We get on"
Author: uppercasemad
Reader: dunderklumpen
Fandom: Miranda (BBC)
Prompts/Wishes: "friendship, fluff, sexual themes, happy ending" written for the Miranda Gift Exchange over @ Tumblr
Pairing: Miranda/Gary
Rating: M
Length: 24:00 minutes
Music: Pentatonix - "Love you long"
Summary: She figures if she’d been willing to sleep with him then, no strings attached, she can most certainly sleep with him now with all kinds of strings attached, because Gary Preston is in love with her.
Reader's Note: I recorded this podfic for the Miranda Gift Exchange over @ Tumblr. Hope the recipient likes a bit of smut between Miranda and Gary despite the technical difficulties I had with it and which you can hear when you listen closely.
The cover was made by hyndara71 - thanks!
Beta: vix_spes listened to it and made helpful suggestions. Thank you!

Download link: Link + Password

General Note: I'm not a native speaker so there's an accent:)


fandom:miranda (tv), reader:dunderklumpen, fandom:once upon a time, archived, fandom:star trek reboot

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