Person of Interest: Ring

Apr 28, 2013 19:50

Title: Ring
Author: cesperanza
Reader: lunate8
Fandom: Person of Interest
Relationship: Harold Finch/John Resse
Rating: Teen and Up
A phone rang. Finch stilled, head tilted, listening. The pay phone was housed on top of a low grey metal stand in front of the corner deli. Instinctively, Reese glanced up and saw the red glowing eye of the camera. Finch had already started for the phone, but Reese put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's for me," Reese said.

Content Notes: none
Length: 15:49
Permanent links at audiofic archive courtesy of : main work page (mp3, 15.3 MB; m4b, 14.2)

Points: (5 + 5 + 0) * 2 = 20

fandom:person of interest, reader:lunate8, archived

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