Teen Wolf: Do You Want to Date My Avatar (theatripod)

Mar 30, 2013 23:40

Four months after the casting call came out, a cast of nine (plus one director) voiced fifteen characters (plus one narrator) (who themselves play eleven World of Warcraft characters) over two months of rehearsals which produced eight and a half hours of raw files which became an hour and sixteen minutes of edited podfic (after the services of one beta) and forty-two minutes of outtakes all of which are being offered in two different formats with custom art from one artist who also did one amazing ensemble piece that features one orc, two tauren, three elves, one troll, three undead, one golbin, and one cat. With a kitten thrown in for good luck.

tl:dr - it takes a village!

Title: Do You Want to Date My Avatar
Author: christycorr
Director: kalakirya
Beta: starduchess
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairings: Derek/Stiles, Allison/Scott, Lydia/Jackson
Rating: PG-13/Teen
Summary: In hindsight, maybe introducing the local werewolf contingent to the wonderful world of online gaming hadn't exactly been Stiles' best idea.
Warnings: none (CRAAAAAAACK)
Length: 1 hour 16 minutes 00 seconds
text at AO3

download (right-click and save) as an mp3 (70MB) as a podbook (42MB)

opalsong as The Narrator
majoline as Stiles
dr_fumbles_mcstupid as Derek
piscaria as Allison and first kidnapper
anna_unfolding as Lydia and second kidnapper
kdheart as Jackson and third kidnapper
24thkey as Boyd and Danny
starduchess as Scott and Peter
hananobira as Erica and Isaac

BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! There are also outtakes and extras posted here

there's also some AMAZING  art by yue_ix

reader:majoline, reader:kdheart, reader:anna_unfolding, fandom:teen wolf, archived, reader:opalsong, reader:dr_fumbles_mcstupid, reader:kalakirya, reader:the24thkey

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