Not sure if I need to submit here or if everything will eventually be put on the archive from the anthology, but I figure I'd at least make sure everyone knows about this!
Letter of Marque
Author: Sunspeared
Reader: Kitsune Heart
Fandom: Homestuck
Pairing: Mindfang/Redglare
Rating: PG?
Letter of Marque Duration: 8:22
Format & size: 15.3 MB
Summary: She doesn't want to throw the book at you, she wants to fuck you with it. Marquise Spinneret Mindfang is more than capable of handling a young legislacerator's black crush.
Direct download Reader's Notes: I can not stop listening to this and speaking as Mindfang. She's very fun!
Reader: Kitsune Heart
Fandom: Homestuck
Pairing: Mindfang/Redglare
Rating: G
Pomegranates Duration: 2:33
Format & size: 4.67 mp3
Summary: Mindfang's first impressions on staying in Redglare's hive after being apprehended.
Direct download Reader's Notes: The return of Mindfan's terrible Irish accent! This is what happens when you've recorded a 17-hour podfic set in Ireland. Henceforth, there will always be someone in your podfics who is Irish.