"(he's) so much more like spiderman than you will ever, ever be" by paperclipbitch, read by Fleur

Feb 09, 2013 21:53

Title: (he's) so much more like spiderman than you will ever, ever be
Performed by:
Fandom: James Bond: Skyfall
Characters: Q, James Bond, Eve Moneypenny, Bill Tanner, random Q branch OCs
Rating: Teen
Time: 35:53 min (32 MB)
Download Link: MP3

Summary: “Bond, we’re Q branch, we’ve forgotten more about your sexual partners than you knew about them in the first place.”

Notes: Recorded for Saba's Multi Fandom Advent Calendar 2012.
Originally posted here on 21st December 2012.

Crossposted to the DW and LJ community.

reader:fleurrochard, fandom:bond franchise, archived

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