sing a lullabye

Feb 04, 2013 00:25

Title: sing a lullabye
Author: hapakitsune
Reader: duckgirlie
Fandom: Hockey RPF
Rating: Teen and up
Length: 1:15:09
Summary: Sidney is starting to get a reputation amongst the Pens for being the go-to guy for free childcare. Or, five times Sidney babysat and one time someone babysat for him.
Links: mp3 | m4b (mediafire)
mp3 | m4b (archived, right-click and save as)

Notes: There are a couple of minor discrepancies between the text and the recording, primarily of the "X said" vs "said X" type. There were a few moments where my mouth wasn't behaving, and trying to patch things in later was way too jarring

fandom:sports figures rpf, archived, reader:duckgirlie

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