MCR - Lucky Graveyard Boots (and a song to sing) - by inlovewithnight

Jan 25, 2013 20:55

Title: Lucky Graveyard Boots (and a song to sing)
Fandom: MCR
Pairings: Alicia Simmons/Mikey Way
Rating: Teen
Length: 41:15

Author's Summary:

Written for the prompt Alicia Way: Demon Hunter (retired).

Reader's Note:

This fic fills me with delight at how awesome it is to the very corners of my soul. Hence, podfic!

I was ever so pleased that Alicia had posted that pic of herself with the handgun - It's so urban-fantasy-cover appropriate! Even if she does favor big knives in the fic itself. *g*

Download MP3 Here! M4B Here! (right-click save)

This podfic also on the AO3 here.

*As ever thanks to Paraka for giving me space to host my podfic!

fandom:bandom, archived, reader:isweedan

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