Go the Fuck to Sleep, by halfeatenmoon, hockey rpf, mostly gen ;)

Jan 13, 2013 18:08

Lovely podfic cover art made by thisissirius, who also gave a listen to my first, fannishly excited read through this fic, before it was even officially posted. :) Ugh, these pictures you chose, Siri!!!!!! &their faces;

Title: Go the Fuck to Sleep
Author: halfeatenmoon
Reader: anna_unfolding
Fandom: Hockey RPF
Characters: Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews, Patrick Sharp. Tazer/Kaner preslash, if you want :)
Rating: gen
Length: 5:22
Warnings: none
Summary: Kaner's really excited about getting a room of his own on road trips now, but the first night alone isn't as much fun as he'd hoped.


reader:anna_unfolding, fandom:sports figures rpf, archived

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