No Reservations: Narnia by Edonohana (Anthony Bordain + Narnia crossover)

Jan 04, 2013 00:08

Title: No Reservations: Narnia
Author: Edonohana
Reader: duckgirlie
Fandom: Anthony Bourdain RPF and Chronicles of Narnia
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: I’m crammed into a burrow so small that my knees are up around my ears and the boom mike keeps slamming into my head, inhaling the potent scent of toffee-apple brandy and trying to drink a talking mouse under the table
Text: here
Length 0:34:22
Link: mediafire: mp3 | m4b audiofic archive: mp3 | m4b
Reader's Notes: recorded for crossaintkatie in #ITPE

fandom:chronicles of narnia & rpf, small fandom:tv series & miniseries, archived, reader:duckgirlie

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