Glee RPF - Breathless

Dec 30, 2012 23:27

Title: Breathless
Author: certaintendencies
Reader: oohshinyfangirl
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: CrissColfer
Warning: Fairly explicit breathplay
Summary: Darren can't help but notice Chris has a Neck Thing. Obviously, they should have sex. 
File Info: mp3, 138.8MB, 2:31:36
Download: MediaFire
Crossposted: kurt_blaine, gleepodfic, personal lj
Notes: I'm thrilled that certaintendencies was once again willing to let me record a story - I absolutely love this version of Chris and Darren. If you like the story, go give the author some love.

edited to add: There is some background noise (a cricket chirping) at the beginning of the file, but it goes away within the first ten minutes. I'm sorry I couldn't filter it out for you and hope that it's not too distracting

reader:oohshinyfangirl, fandom:glee rpf, archived

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