White Collar: Resistance and Futility - A Study

Nov 16, 2012 19:55

Title: Resistance and Futility: A Study (Or: Seven Times Peter Burke Caught Neal Caffrey)
Author: gyzym
Podficcer: kalakirya
Fandom: White Collar
Relationship: Peter/El/Neal
Rating: PG-13/Teen
Length: 44 minutes
Summary: Everyone thinks Peter Burke has only caught Neal Caffrey twice. Everyone is wrong.
text at AO3 (part 2 of the Captain America-verse, which is not related to gyzym's Avengers stories) (part 1 here)

download as an mp3 from the audioficarchive (40 MB)

crossposted to amplificathon on LJ

reader:kalakirya, archived, fandom:white collar

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