Two Bandom Podfics - MCR

Oct 11, 2012 23:18

Title: Taking Turns Dancing With Maria
Fandom: MCR
Pairings: Lindsey/Gerard, Alicia/Mikey, Lindsey/Mikey
Rating: Teen
Length: 9:55

Author's Summary: Families share things. It's cool.

Reader's Note:  This fic is hilarious and the best and brings me great joy and many giggles. So, podfic!

That is indeed a Cuisinart DCC-2000 Coffee on Demand Coffeemaker in the coverart. Because families share things, but every household needs their own coffeemaker.

Coffee. ON DEMAND.

Download: MP3 Here! (right-click save)

Orrrrr you could stream it!

Title: Not As Advertised
Fandom: MCR
Pairings: Frank/Frank
Rating: Mature
Length: 30:55
Warning: References to major character death in an alternate universe

Author's Summary:

"Why do you do it?" Gerard asks, like he can't help but say whatever jumps into his head.

Frank sighs. He's already told these guys his life story, why stop now? "Why does anyone do anything? To survive."

He fumbles in his boot for his cigarettes, lighting up another one rather than thinking back to the lean years. To the day he shoved a handful of condoms in his back pocket and headed for the street, having already sold everything he had that was worth anything. All he had left to trade was his body.

Or, the one where the guys bump into a Frank who isn't their Frank, and who is also a street hooker.

Reader's Note:
So this is SUPER and so great and I've reread/relistened to the story Rather A Lot these past few days and it's so COOL the way the story changes from the first time you experience it, going in knowing 
greedy_dancer  prompted for an amnesia story to the rereads when you know what's up with Frank the whole time.

And yet we STILL don't know by the end how POV!Frank happened, where he's from, how this came to pass. But the future holds potential and promise! What excellence to pack into 4000 words. With bonus BAND FAMBLY <3

Download: MP3 Here! M4B Here!(right-click save)

Orrrrr you could stream it!*

P.S. Here is a silly thing where I decided to try to pronounce all of the X's in ladyfoxxx's name. And then some.

*As ever thanks to Paraka for giving me space to host my podfic!

fandom:bandom, archived, reader:isweedan

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