Podfic - MCR - fleurdeliser and tuesdaysgone's #hotNASAmohawkguy!Frank

Sep 13, 2012 23:57

Title: Curiosity Killed the Cat (Satisfaction Brought Him Back
Fandom: MCR
Pairings: Frank/Gerard
Rating: Teen
Length: 25:08

Author's Summary: "Frank is just doing his job and suddenly he's #hotNASAmohawkguy..."

Reader's Note:  OF COURSE Frank is #hotNASAmohawkguy. Of COURSE he is. <333333

fleurdeliser and 
tuesdaysgone have worked this out so *well* (the callbacks to fleurdeliser's NASAverse!!) so it is perfect and hilarious and adorable with bonus pretend dating.  So I just HAD to record it.

Trying to find the best mohawk!Frank for the coverart was such a trial. I suffered. So much. ::srs face::


Download: MP3 Here! or M4B Here! (right-click save)

Orrrrr you could stream it!*

*As ever thanks to Paraka for giving me space to host my podfic!

info:podbooks, fandom:bandom, archived, reader:isweedan

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