Title: Better Is Always Good (Right?)
Author: Unforgott3n
Reader: Analise010
Fandom: X-Men First Class
Pairing: Charles/Erik
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Author chose not to use archive warnings
Summary: Charles is sexing Erik up, and Erik is already a little overwhelmed when Charles asks him if he can do a little telepathy trick to make it better, and Erik says yes without thinking about it....I want it to be good, but also waaaaaaaay too much for Erik, physically and emotionally, he can barely think/speak/breathe, and so it goes on for a minute or two before he manages to gasp out "stop." He's shocked and moved and amazed when Charles does, immediately.
Length: 0:08:22
hereMediafire Link:
Title: Sick Day
Author: Pocky_Slash
Reader: Analise010
Fandom: X-Men First Class
Pairing: Charles/Erik
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Author chose not to use archive warnings
Summary: There's a bug going around the daycare. Erik reluctantly plays nursemaid.
Length: 0:24:09
hereMediafire Link:
Title: All I Wanna Do Is
Author: Fleete
Reader: Analise010
Fandom: Xena Warrior Princess
Pairing: Xena/Gabrielle
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Author chose not to use archive warnings
Summary: Gabrielle really, really likes this whole cycling hobby Xena has picked up.
Length: 0:30:51
hereMediafire Link:
Crossposted to Amplificathon at DW