Here's to Freya, Natasha, Bambera, Diana, Darcy, Donna, Nita and Julia Vorlightly

Aug 03, 2012 14:45

Fandom: Thor
Highlighted Character: Freya
Pairing: Freya/Odin
Rating: G
Summary: After Odin falls into the Odinsleep, Frigga takes up her husband’s spear and the rule of Asgard.
Length: 19 minutes 29 seconds
text at AO3 on LJ
download from the audioficarchive (18MB)

Title: For Children
Fandom: Avengers
Highlighted Character: Natasha
Pairing: none
Rating: G
Summary: It's crept up on Natasha without her realizing it.
Length: 5 minutes 32 seconds
text on LJ on AO3 on DW
download from the audioficarchive (5MB)

Title: History of the Kings of Britain
Fandom: Doctor Who (Classic and New)
Highlighted Character: Brigadier Bambera
Pairing: Bambera/Ancelin
Rating: G
Summary: Ancelyn and Bambera: happily ever after, with sword fights.
Length: 9 minutes 57 seconds
text on the Doctor Who Archive
download from the audioficarchive (9MB)

Title: Her Boss's Keeper
Fandom: White Collar
Highlighted Character: Diana Barrigan
Pairing: Diana/Christie
Rating: G
Summary: Diana has been working for the White Collar division for all of a week before she figures out that her new boss is, in fact, a thin shell of grouch over a marshmallow center.
Length: 16 minutes 20 seconds
text on AO3 on LJ
download from the audioficarchive (15MB)

Title: Five People Who Caught Darcy Doodling
Fandom: Avengers
Highlighted Character: Darcy Lewis
Pairing: none
Rating: G
Summary: Darcy can't always taser people to work out her frustration.
Length: 7 minutes 24 seconds
text on AO3 on LJ
download from the audioficarchive (7MB)

Title: Bros!
Fandom: Avengers
Highlighted Character: Darcy Lewis
Pairing: past Darcy/Tony
Rating: G~PG
Summary: In which Darcy remembers something that Tony (mostly) doesn't, Jane is rendered awkward, and there is some snarking about polka-dot bras.
Length: 6 minutes 56 seconds
text on AO3
download from the audioficarchive (6MB)

Title: Your History Written in Time and Stars
Fandom: Doctor Who (New)
Highlighted Character: Donna Noble
Pairing: none
Rating: G
Summary: Donna's forgotten. The universe hasn't.
Length: 9 minutes 10 seconds
text on LJ on AO3
download from the audioficarchive (21MB)

Title: The Next Journey
Fandom: Young Wizard
Highlighted Character: Nita Callahan
Pairing: Nita/Kit
Rating: G~PG
Warning: major character deaths (it's Young Wizards! it's ok! I promise!)
Summary: When she wakes up in Timeheart, it isn’t elysian fields and shimmering marble gates. The sky is blue and there is sand beneath her fingertips and she can smell brine and hear the ocean washing in and out.
Length: 9 minutes 46 seconds
text on AO3
download from the audioficarchive (9MB)

Title: Women's Work
Fandom: Vorkosiverse
Highlighted Character: Countess Julia Vorlightly (OC: Cetagandan Occupation)
Pairing: Countess Julia Vorlightly/Ghem Colonel Tyr Alait (OC/OC)
Rating: Mature
Warning: minor character death, elements of dub-con
Summary: Countess Julia Vorlightly plays her part in the Resistance.
Length: 7 minutes 26 seconds
text on AO3
download from the audioficarchive (7MB)

fandom:avengers & related marvel movies, fandom:young wizards, fandom:vorkosigan saga, reader:kalakirya, archived, fandom:white collar, fandom:doctor who

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