Bandom Podfic - MCR - Brynnmck's Sketches

Jul 13, 2012 02:22

Title: Sketches
Cover Art:
Fandom: MCR
Pairings: Gen
Rating: Teen
Length: 51:35

Author's Summary: "A work of art goes through many phases of development, but in each phase it is always a work of art."

Four drawings of Gerard's that Ray kept, and one he didn't need to.

Reader's Note: Ever since I first read this fic it really stuck with me. It feels so real-to-life and gives me so many feelings and reminds me of why I love everyone in this band SO MUCH <3.

(I also just want to point to mistresscurvy's excellent response and go YES THIS. ALL OF THISSSSSSS <3________<3 )

Download: MP3 Here! or M4B Here! (right-click save)
Size: 47.3 MB // 6.14MB

Orrrrr you could stream it!*

*As ever thanks to Paraka for giving me space to host my podfic!

fandom:bandom, archived, reader:isweedan

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