Belated Podfic Posting (all the things I haven't posted since AMP12 ended)

Jun 29, 2012 17:32

Title: How Do Your Feel About Eternal Life? (it starts with a coffee)
Author: reena_jenkins
Rating: PG-13
Fandoms: Bandom (The Academy Is..., the Jonas Brothers)
Warnings: vampire AU, off-screen violence, gore, stalking, obsessive behavior
Pairing: Mike Carden/Kevin Jonas
Format/Length: mp3, 00:16:44

Author's Summary: "So, here's the thing - there's basically two kinds of really terrifying vampires. There's the kind that look terrifying, with mouths full of non-orthodontia'd teeth and basements full of slavering gore all over the place, and so you know to fear them…. and the kind that look harmless, innocuous even, and then tear your throat out while torturing your family members because you DIDN'T know to fear them, and invited one over for Sunday Family Dinner.

Kevin Jonas… was that second kind of vampire."

Download link: This podfic is available as an mp3 over here (thanks for hosting me, paraka!)

Title: Fall Into Place
Author: bewaretheides15
Rating: NC-17
Fandoms: Supernatural
Warnings: pre-series, underage sexuality (Sam is 15), bruise kink, possessive behavior, marking, obsessive behavior, frottage, incest
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Format/Length: mp3, 00:29:09

Author's Summary: "Possessiveness isn’t something Dean’s particularly familiar with."

Download link: This podfic is available as an mp3 over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me...even as I'm taking up all your bandwidth.....)

Title: Consensual Non-Monogamy, or: The One Where Spencer Hates Everybody
Author: sunsetmog
Rating: NC-17
Fandoms: Bandom (Panic! at the Disco)
Warnings: orgies, frustrated Spencer Smith, Lesbian Spank Inferno
Pairing: Spencer Smith/Ryan Ross/Brendon Urie/Jon Walker
Format/Length: mp3, 00:34:21

Author's Summary: "It was all Brendon's fault; he had wowed them all with the idea of orgasms and clearly their dicks had done the rest of the thinking.

Download link: This orgy podfic is available as an mp3 over here (thanks, paraka, for hosting your own present!)

Title: in another country (people die)
Author:  pprfaith
Rating: PG-13
Fandoms: Avengers movie'verse
Warnings: insanity, torture, Dark Universe, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, flasbacks, sort of Mirrorverse, (spoilers for Iron Man I and The Avengers)
Pairing: gen, hints of Loki/Tony Stark
Format/Length: mp3, 00:19:41

Author's Summary: "“The world is not your playground, Stark!” Fury yells at him one time, after he maybe brings down a building or two and Tony just laughs because, seriously, yes it is."

Download link: This orgy podfic is available as an mp3 over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!)

Title: Thicker Than Water
Author: dear_monday
Rating: NC-17
Fandoms: Bandom (My Chemical Romance)
Warnings: Mafia AU, Alcoholism, Paranoia, Discussion of Self-harm, Suicide, Minor Character Death, Major Character Death, Depression, Infidelity, Graphic Violence
Pairing: Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Frank Iero/Mikey Way
Format/Length: mp3, 00:20:06

Author's Summary: "Frank used to be able to count the number of times he's killed for the Family on the fingers of one hand. That was years ago, but he'll always remember the first one. Gerard was daydreaming, and Frank had only just learnt how to use a gun. Frank was twelve years old."

Download link: This podfic is available as an mp3 over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!)

fandom:supernatural, fandom:avengers & related marvel movies, fandom:bandom, reader:reena_jenkins, archived

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