Bandom Podfic - MCR - Shoemaster and Theopteryx's I Was Your Silver Lining

Jun 04, 2012 11:39

Title: I Was Your Silver Lining <- LJ link since AO3 is so 502-y

Fandom: MCR
Pairings: Frank/Gerard
Rating: Explicit
Length: 6:35:45

Author's Summary: "So what do you do?" "I wait." "You wait? Like, what, tables?" "I wait for you."
Werewolves, Gypsy magic, soul mates, reincarnation and Gerard being a creeper.
Contains: Character death, violence, underage sex.

Reader's Note: Making Silver Lining was an incredible (and very LENGTHY) experience.

Reading it aloud meant finding so much more in the story, nuances I never picked up on when I read it for the first time as a bb bandomer or when I was zooming along rereading it to myself and going 'ZOMG BOYS WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU ARE MY FAVORITES THIS FICCCCCCCCCCC'. And how about that emotional impact? WOW. WOW. This is a seriously hard-hitting fic. I had to take breaks of over-emotion when I was recording. Powerful stuff yo.

shoemaster and 
theopteryx wrote an amazing fic. I am so happy to put this podfic of it out into the world.

Download: MP3 Here! or M4B Here! (right-click save)

Orrrrr you could stream it!*

*Thanks to the lovely paraka! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

fandom:bandom, archived, reader:isweedan

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