Idol: An AI Podfic Anthology (a.k.a. The Sooper Sekrit Paraka Podfic Projekt)

May 17, 2012 06:20

Idol: An AI Podfic Anthology (a.k.a. The Sooper Sekrit Paraka Podfic Projekt) is available for download at the ai-podfic community! It was recorded in honor of paraka's 5 year podfic anniversary. This collection includes 21 American Idol stories and 1 Bandom story read by 21 different podficcers. The stories range from ~3 minutes to ~45 minutes and add up to just about six and a half hours. You can download the whole collection as a podbook or zip file or download the individual files HERE!!

Mods: I didn't see reader tags for the following readers for
argentumlupine or dapatty. Thanks!

reader:sly_hostetter, reader:greedy_dancer, fandom:good omens, reader:letsgofriday, reader:exmanhater, reader:reena_jenkins, reader:revolutionaryjo, fandom:supernatural, reader:bessyboo, reader:isweedan, reader:inkjunket, reader:crazybutsound, reader:via_ostiense, archived, reader:applegeuse, reader:heard_the_owl, reader:takola, reader:fire_juggler, fandom:bandom, reader:argentumlupine, reader:fishpatrol, reader:lunate8, fandom:american idol rpf, reader:dapatty, reader:klb, reader:croissantkatie

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