SPN x Merlin(bbc) x DW x SGA x GO x YW: Gabriel-centric crossover

Apr 25, 2012 07:28

Title: 5 Ways Gabriel Could Have Returned
Author/reader: kalakirya 
Fandoms: Supernatural x Merlin (BBC) x Doctor Who x Stargate: Atlantis x Good Omens x Young Wizards
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: none
Length: 28 minutes
Author's Summary: written for the comment_fic prompt "five ways Gabriel could have returned (and the real way he did)" AKA Gabriel pops in to see Arthur, chats with the Doctor, has a run-in with John and Rodney, doesn't get ahold of Aziraphale, just misses the Reconfiguration, and then goes home. [Should still make some sense without knowledge of all fandoms, though it would help, Young Wizards in particular]
warnings: child abuse (narrowly averted), PTSD, angstangstangst
text at my LJ
Download: at mediafire

fandom:merlin (bbc), fandom:good omens, archived, fandom:supernatural, fandom:young wizards, fandom:stargate atlantis, reader:kalakirya, fandom:doctor who

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