bandom: like explosions in the sky by flimsy [Jon/Spencer]

Mar 03, 2012 01:37

Title: like explosions in the sky by flimsy
Fandom: bandom (multibandom)
Pairing: Jon/Spencer, many others
Summary: In a world where age is measured not by how long you have lived, but by how many years you have left, Spencer is five. He turned five yesterday at seven-thirty-two when they were out in the factory, collecting cans. Now he’s curled up around Ryan, face pressed against his neck, inhaling deeply, suppressing the uprising panic that the knowledge of your own mortality brings.
Warnings: dystopia, disturbing themes
File info: mp3, 48:59, 44.8MB
Link: at my journal

fandom:bandom, reader:quintenttsy, archived

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