A photograph of the artist as a young man chapter 1B

Feb 19, 2012 21:08

Title : A photograph of the artist as a young man Chapter - CH 1B
Author : Fishwrites
Reader : Falone42
Artist : the story to Abhauen's blind!child art verse.
Fandom : Hetalia -AU Blind Child Art verse
Character/Pairing : Arthur/Alfred
Rating : PG for language (this part)
Archive Warnings : No archive warnings
Rising fashion model Alfred Jones is cast along side the famous but reclusive Arthur Kirkland for a GQ UK editorial. He quickly discovers that the fashion world's new golden child is actually blind. (A story of high fashion, of cats in the snow, of brothers and violins. A story of being in love and being blind. A story of an artist and his photographs.)
Text and art: Link
Artist Abhauen : Link
Length/size : 0:38:24/35.10 MB
Mediafire Link: Link
Note: Ok I finally sat down with my friends recording equipment and got 1B out of the way. Enjoy!
Chapter 1A

fandom:hetalia, reader:falone, archived

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