Glee RPF - Giving Me Excitations

Feb 17, 2012 22:09

Title: Giving Me Excitations
Author: oddwritesstuff (oddmeants)
Rating: NC-17
Fandom/Pairing: Glee RPF/Chris Colfer/Darren Criss
Warnings: blowjobs and scent kinks
Spoilers: Can't spoil something that doesn't exist.
Summary: Chris likes to flirt with the sound guy. Darren isn't sure why this bothers him - until he is.
Notes: Just a quick and dirty fill of a mish-mash of prompts on Tumblr, including leotard!fic and Darren being jealous of the sound guy.

File Info: mp3, 14.4MB, 15:43
Download: MediaFire
Crossposted: gleepodfic, personal lj, kurt_blaine
Notes: My continuing gratitude to oddwritesstuff for letting me put my spin on her stories. Go give her some love!

reader:oohshinyfangirl, fandom:glee rpf, archived

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