Sherlock (BBC) podfic: "Strawberry Pavlova", by entangled_now

Feb 07, 2012 21:45

Title: Strawberry Pavlova
Author: entangled_now
Reader: elaineofshalott
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Characters: Mrs Hudson, John/Sherlock
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None.

Author Summary: Mrs Hudson notices more than people think.

Podfic Length: 06:46, File size: 6.20MB
Reader’s notes: Thanks to entangled_now for letting me record this! It’s an adorable fic and I hope I did it some kind of justice.

Download (as mp3): here at sendspace.

Cross-posted to

fandom:sherlock (bbc), archived, reader:elaineofshalott

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