Bandom: sure do make an easy target by psuedo_catalyst

Feb 06, 2012 17:00

Fic sure do make an easy target by psuedo_catalyst
Fandom/Pairings bandom (Panic at the Disco/The Young Veins); Ryan/Spencer
Rating/Warnings teen; none
Summary Ryan/Spencer regency!au written for the anon_lovefest prompt "regency Spencer/any pretty boy", so as you can see, I had kind of a lot of leeway. Includes scandal, disgrace, and a shameful amount of skipping around the panic/tyv timeline for scraps of canon. In which Spencer is oblivious, Ryan is reckless, and Brendon is joining the navy.
File info mp3 / 33:33 / 30.7MB
Link here

fandom:bandom, reader:quintenttsy, archived

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