Because everyone needs Batman/Joker slash in their lives....
Title: Blessed Are the Merciful
cyranothe2ndPairings: light or ambiguous Bruce/Joker
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: some violence and death, slight language, lotta angst and h/c, but otherwise pretty tame
Length: 45 minutes
Fic Summary: Joker breaks out of Arkham during the events of The Dark Knight Rises. He acts behind the scenes in a way no one truly expected - not even him.
textaudio (All audio is archived on my website. 'right-click, save as')
Title: Curveballs
cyranothe2ndPairing: Batman/Joker
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Because he keeps throwing you curveballs, so you decide to throw one back.
Warnings: sex and violence
TextAudio Title: Losing the Game
cyranothe2ndPairing: Batman/Joker
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sex and realizations
Length: 5 minutes
text audio Title: New Material
cyranothe2ndLength: 24 minutes
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: TDK-ish characterisation. Mentions of necrophilia, murder and violence from Joker (he's a charmer).
Summary: Joker tries out his new material on Bruce. Basically, Bruce/Joker phone sex.
textaudio Title: Five Minutes
cyranothe2ndLength: 14 minutes
Pairing: Bruce Wayne/Joker
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: sex, violence, language.
Summary: Batman would never have sex with the Joker. It's a different story for Bruce Wayne.
textaudio Title: Tabula Rasa
cyranothe2ndLength: 39 minutes
Pairing: Bruce/Joker
Rating: PG-13 for mild violence, brief language and mention of sex.
Warnings: None
Summary: Amnesia!fic. Brian doesn't remember anything of his life prior to the accident. Neither does Jack.
text audio I realize this pairing isn't for everybody, but please listen and review. :)