Clothes Encounters - Advent Challenge Day 11

Dec 11, 2011 20:02

Title: Clothes Encounters
Author: Jennie B aka seshats_prodigy
Reader: kansouame
Rating: PG
Fandom: Saiyuki
Prompt: 'Hakkai has to forcefully drag Sanzo out to shop for new winter clothes'
Created For: jinxaire
Word Count: 1710
File size/type: 11.38MB, .mp3 (zipped)
Length: 11m 26s
Disclaimer: Do I look like I could create an original concept like this? Exactly. I'm just borrowing these characters - imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!
Summary: Sanzo doesn't share Hakkai's enthusiasm for a bit of 'retail therapy'.

Text version: Clothes Encounters

Podfic Download link for Clothes Encounters

(written for adventchallenge)

reader:kansouame, fandom:saiyuki, archived

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