Belated Pod-Aware Meta stuff

Nov 27, 2011 22:11

Hi guys! I fell off the face of the earth for a while, and completely missed pod_aware, and was a very sad monkey because I missed the chance to bask in and contribute to the beautiful, beautiful meta. Then today, I kind of thought I would like to do it anyway, even though it is late, in my very ramble-y, long-winded way. So I put on my headphones and talked to myself about the first three topics for pod_aware: Why I Pod, Blanket Permission, and Author/Podficcer relationships.

Warning: some of this stuff veers off course wildly, gets kind of weirdly heavy and personal and may actually offend you because I don't filter out my thoughts and therefore probably sound incredibly ignorant.

So yes, would you like to click here for downloads or streams?

reader:lunchee, post:meta & feedback

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