In the name of
pod_aware, I spent the day updating fan lore's
Blanket Permission to Podfic post using every source I knew of--the
blanket permission posts at DW and LJ
amplificathon, at DW and LJ
multipodicity, everything from the
pod_aware Day 2 roundup, the list at
chromatic_podfic, and
post for HP podfic-friendly authors.
As of today, the page lists blanket permission from 440 authors, including at least one author for every letter of the alphabet!
I want to take this opportunity to make sure that the list is as comprehensive as possible, so I'd love it if people would do the following:
1. If there are any authors you know of who have blanket permission policies and aren't on the list yet, either add them or leave a comment with their information so I can add them.
2. If there are authors you know of who would probably give blanket permission but just haven't officially done so, consider contacting them to ask if, in honor of
pod_aware--which doesn't totally officially end until Sunday night--they'd like to make an official blanket permission statement and be added to the list. (I'm not saying to put pressure on authors who aren't comfortable with blanket permission, but to encourage those who would be comfortable but don't know about it or just haven't made an official statement yet to take a couple minutes and do so.) If they say yes, then refer back to step 1!
3. If you know of any comms where they you make requests for authors to leave blanket permission, posts like that usually get a huge response. If you make one (again, you can cite
pod_aware as the occasion!) and get responses, then refer back to step 1 :)
I wouldn't be surprised if the Blanket Permission List goes above 500 very soon, especially if everyone makes a push in the next day or so to help it grow.
ETA: Several hours later, the current number of authors on the list is 507! And growing!