Two American Idol podfics for Pod_Together

Nov 12, 2011 01:54

Feeling somewhat shamed by pod_aware and trying to get myself sorted out, so have two older ones I never posted here! They were both done for pod-together and initially posted under my regular journal name.

Title: Close My Eyes and Taste You on My Lips

Author: samanthahirr

Reader: jenepod
Fandom: American Idol S8 RPF

Pairing: Adam/Kris

Rating: PG-13

Runtime: 00:30:24

Summary: A birthday party, a blindfold, and a table full of desserts. Kris's wish fantasy is about to come true.

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Title: L.A. Burning

Author: prairiegirl116

Reader: jenepod

Fandom: American Idol S8 RPF

Pairing: Adam/Sauli

Rating: R

Runtime: 00:06:26

Summary: A sweet little amuse bouche glancing into the lives of Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen.

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fandom:american idol rpf, reader:jenepod, archived

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