thedeadparrotFandom The Social Network
Pairing Mark/Eduardo
Rating PG-13
Warnings none
Format mp3
Length / size 36:52 / 33.7mb
Summary There are differences between Eduardo and him that Mark doesn't think they'll ever really resolve, that they'll ever be able to overcome. A love story about packet loss.
Notes The music used is from A Lack of Colour by Death Cab for Cutie.
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here Title
I Don't Blame You for Being YouAuthor
15dozentimesFandom Bandom/Disney RPF
Pairing Mike/Kevin
Rating R
Warnings sort of character death?
Format mp3
Length / size 16:11 / 14.8mb
Summary There are about eight thousand reasons it's a bad idea for Mike to fall in love with Kevin Jonas, but Mike never claimed to be reasonable. (16 Candles AU)
Notes This is a fill for the immortals square on my
au_bingo card. The music used is from, in a stunning display of originality, A Little Less Sixteen Candles by Fall Out Boy.
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