Glee Podfic: Babylon

Sep 02, 2011 11:31

Podfic: ' Babylon' by mary_flanner
Fandom: Glee
Story: Blaine/Kurt, R
Podfic: MP3, ~58:00
Size: ~53 mb

Download Links: HERE

Note: This is an audio recording of 'Babylon' by my boo, the lovely miss Mary Flanner. It's the fourth part in the Scholars and Gentlemen series. I've added these links to my master post of S&G podfics, so if you aren't familiar with the 'verse, head on over HERE first to get yourself caught up. If you haven't read this fic before, I beg of you, follow the link in the description to leave a comment for the author.

Crossposted to kurt_blaine and gleepodfic.

reader:nielrian, fandom:glee, archived

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