Here, have some Greek Mythology-infused podfics

Jul 31, 2011 11:01

Title: Stars In Your Eyes, Laurels In Your Hair (first story)
Author: caitri 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Rating: PG
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot, fusion with Greek Mythology
Pairing: James 'Jim' Kirk/Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
Warning: death of a major character
Format/Length: mp3, 00:02:41

Author's Summary: "They called us Damon and Pythias when we came, so soon were we joined: You bright and shining like a young Apollo, burning with brilliance, me cold and dark like the wrong side of the moon."

Download link: click me!

Title: Sing The Wrath (second story)
Author: caitri 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Rating: PG
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot, fusion with Greek Mythology
Pairing: James 'Jim' Kirk/Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
Warning: references the death of  major character
Format/Length: mp3, 00:02:03

Author's Summary: "We followed him at first because we had no other choice."

Download link: click me!

Title: Trojan Games
Author: tryfanstone 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Rating: R
Fandom: CW RPF (J2 AU), fusion with the Aeneid
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Spoilers: umm...the Trojan war?
Warnings: death of Chad Michael Murry
Format/Length: mp3, 00:21:30

Author's Summary: written for the blindfold_spn prompt: "It's the Trojan War and Jared is the undefeated half god warrior (Achilles) type and Jensen is a captured Prince of Troy. Jared has to decide if he'll use Jensen for ransom or take him home with him."

Download link: click me!

fandom:mythology, fandom:cw rpf, reader:reena_jenkins, fandom:supernatural rpf, archived, fandom:star trek reboot

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