The Princess Bride - "Unexpected Happily Ever Afters"

Jul 31, 2011 09:53

Unexpected Happily Ever Afters
somnolentblue and cantarina1
Fandom: The Princess Bride
Characters/Pairings: Buttercup, Fezzik, Inigo, Westley, OFC; Buttercup/Westley
Word Count: Approx. 4800
Podfic Length: 34:05min (19.6mb - MP3, 17.6mb - M4B)
Disclaimer: Princess Bride does not belong to us, and we make no profit from our doodles.
Notes: This project was created for pod_together, a challenge where authors and readers worked as a partnership, the author writing a story specifically to be podficced, and the reader performing it.

Summary: Wherein a farm girl becomes a queen.

Read, listen, and download the story at AO3: Unexpected Happily Ever Afters You can find our full notes there too!

MP3: ParakaProductions (Direct Download)
M4B: ParakaProductions (Direct Download)

reader:cantarina1, fandom:princess bride, archived

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