SGA: Identity Crisis & DCU: Chain of Flowers

Jul 27, 2011 03:20

Title: Identity Crisis
Reader: bessyboo
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: PG13
Length: 9:17
Format: MP3 & M4B (Audiobook)
Link: At my journal.

Made for the pod_together challenge. Thanks to paraka, also available in streaming at the AO3 link above!


Title: Chain of Flowers
Author: sionnain
Reader: bessyboo
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Harley/Ivy, Harley/Joker
Rating: R
Length: 7:28
Format: MP3 & M4B (Audiobook)
Link: At my journal.

x-posted to amplificathon, podfic_central, podslash, audiofic, & sgapodfic

fandom:stargate atlantis, reader:bessyboo, fandom:dcu/dcau (animated), archived

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