Title: Do you know what's cooler than playing a show? Touring with Panic! at the Disco
Created by:
greedy_dancer (podficcer) and
kisforkurama (writer)
Fandom/Pairing/Rating: Bandom/The Social Network crossover. Gen. Hints at Mark/Eduardo.
File info: 10 minutes, 9.61Mb
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Title: Unwittingly Domestic
Created by:
desert_neon (writer) and
greedy_dancer (podficcer)
Fandom/Pairing/Rating: Bandom (MCR), Frank/Gerard, PG.
File info: 7 minutes, 6.78Mb
Notes: All effects in this were recorded by me. I'd never had that much fun pouring water in cups over and over at 3am before... :D
Read the fic and stream the podfic AO3, or download in
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