Title: Friend like Me Title: Friend like You
ladyvader Author:
takola Reader:
takolaFandom: Harry Potter Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco Pairing: Harry/Draco
Beta and Cheerleader:
fire_juggler Beta and Cheerleader:
fire_juggler Cover-art Image:
fire_juggler Cover-art Image:
fire_jugglerAuthor's Rating: NC 17 Author's Rating: NC 17
Author's Warnings: Angst! Author's Warnings: Angst!
Author's Summary: Author's Summary:
Draco's rendition of the Love story that never was. Sequel to Friend Like Me
Length: 1h 9m 28s Length: 1h 35m 48s
Link to Text:
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HereLinks to Audio Format:
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m4b Links to Audio Format:
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m4b There is also a podbook version (m4b) with both fics in one file. Friend Like Me is set as chapter one and Friend Like You is set as chapter two. If you would like to download that file, you may do so