2011 MMoM entries by Moonlettuce // various fandoms

Jun 20, 2011 23:58

Title: Moonlettuce's MMoM entries
Author: moonlettuce
Reader: sly-hostetter
Fandom: various
Rating: PG-13 - R
Pairing: Varies
Summary: It's for the Merry Month of Masturbation Challenge... need we say more?

Title: Day 1: Hands Free
Fandom: The Dresden Files
Rating: PG
Pairing: Dresden/Marcone
Summary: The worst thing about being dead, Bob believes, is the entire lack of hands.
Length: 0:03:21 // mp3 // 3.07 MB
Points: 5+1+1+(3+3) = 13

Title: Day 4: Mr Messy and the Very Rainy Day
Fandom: Mr Men
Rating: PG
Pairing: Mr Messy
Summary: The sun was shining when Mr Messy woke up...
Length: 0:01:53 // mp3 // 1.73 MB
Points: 5+1+1+(5+5) = 17 does a self pairing count? or is this gen? or what?

Download @ my journal

amplificathon, audiofic, podfic_central


reader:sly_hostetter, fandom:mr men books (hargreaves), archived, fandom:dresden files

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