One BtVS gen story, one SPN gen story

Jun 20, 2011 00:52

Title: Thunderings of Justice
Author: jesterlady
Reader: exmanhater
Fandom: BtVS
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Anya gen
File size/type: 3.51 MB, .mp3
Length: 7:39
Author's Summary: Anya's feelings after Hell's Bells and ending with Entropy.
Text version: here
Permanent archive link: mp3
Points: 5+1+1+[3+3]+0= 13

Title: That One Time When Sam Had The Swine Flu
Author/Reader: exmanhater
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG
Pairing: Dean and Sam gen
File size/type: 2.16 MB, .mp3
Length: 4:42
Author's Summary: Dean always enjoys the strange and wondrous things Sam says when he's sick. Set in a nebulous part of season two.
Text version: here
Permanent archive link: mp3
Points: 5+1+1+[1+3]+0= 11

Total points for this post: 24

fandom:supernatural, reader:exmanhater, fandom:buffy/angel verse, archived

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