Jun 01, 2011 20:43
So, I HAVE ANOTHER PROJECT. I know, yeah riiiight, many of you may think, because she never even finishes fanfiction. The issue with that is I have to be in the mood, have the time and sitting at my computer, and these conditions are rare in coinciding. Anyways, my new thing is an adaptation of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's Good Omens into a graphic novel. Just for kicks and c'mon, Apocalypse was begging for it. This might also have something to do with the fact that I am in love with drawing the characters. I've doodled about a billion TARDISES all over my notebooks and Arthur Dents sip tea on my term papers, but today every sheet of paper I touched ended up with an angel, a demon or both on it. I take this as a sign from God. Or Satan. And I've already started the legitimate character designs for the others and scriptwriting; I can't turn away now.
Would it be bad to "publish" this if I make no profits? If I finish this it'd be really nice to have a bound copy (or copies if I end up giving a copy a couple of my friends and *gasp* Pterry and Gneil, if I have the moxie.) And if so how could I go about doing this (minus the idea of my printer, expensive paper and duct tape)?
bringing the crazy,
art i tell you!,
so i try a little freddie