Vacation and A Book Sale

Apr 01, 2010 18:38

Back from vacation in Florida which was nice only because the ocean was clear, warm with small waves + sun. Otherwise, it sucked. I think culture was non-existent. I'm sorry if I'm insulting any Floridians here, but I was at a beach resort so I'm sure the part where real people live is more interesting.

BUT, when I got bored I dragged my Father to find some books as I finished "The Doctor" by Patricia Duncke. Great book, and I'm gonna be doing fanart.

Anyways, I went to the library and other than having a huge collection (three floors) for what looked like one old man wandering around (what a waste) they were selling books for 25 cents. Not crappy books either; I got five books for 2 bucks. Then I went to Barnes and Noble and bought Jeeves and the Tie that Binds (PGWodehouse) and A Scanner Darkly (PhillipKDick.) I read one of the library books and the two bookstore books on vacation. Great stuff, go read Wodehouse and Dick, they're some of the best authors out there.

Oh, and see the movie A Scanner Darkly, it's really trippy, but stick through the weird-ass beginning (and rest of the movie) for a wonderful performance by Robert Downey Jr. Seriously, he's hilarious in this movie.

barnes and noble, wodehouse, sale, library, vacation, phillip k dick, books

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