With the anniversary of the September 11th attacks, I've received a few copies of popular chain e-mails spreading a couple stories about the 9/11 terrorists. The e-mails come with a request to forward them to all your friends, urging you not to 'break the chain'.
One of these stories is the claim that, during the Iran-Contra hearings, Oliver North called out Osama Bin Laden by name, saying he should be assassinated. He was rebuffed by the senator doing the questioning, which turned out to be Al Gore.
The other story is that Mohamad Atta had been imprisoned in Israel for attacking a bus, and was released as a political prisoner at the insistence of Bill Clinton (some versions have it as Reagan).
Both of these stories are false. Oliver North named the terrorist Abu Nidal. Al Gore was not on the Iran-Contra committee, and never questioned anybody about it. The Mohmaud Atta imprisoned for the bus attack is still in prison, and is not the same person as Mohamad Atta, the 9/11 terrorist.
So if you get one of these e-mails, reply with the truth. Break the chain of lies.
Link on Ollie NorthLink on Mohamad Atta